Monday, April 22, 2013

Check Out this Resource!!

I can't help myself!  I am too excited to wait any longer...and this resource is too amazing to keep to myself!  Click HERE to view a comprehensive math resource site.  You will find numerous relevant math resources by grade level.

If you are an elementary math teacher, simply click on the green link on the left side of page.  There will be a drop down menu of grade levels...just choose the grade level you are searching for!
(If you are a secondary teacher, do the same to find some great ideas!)

The Granite School District in Utah has created this web page with K-12 Common Core Math in mind.  You will find vocabulary cards, Mathematical Practice posters in 'kid-friendly' format, lesson and activity ideas, etc.  Take some time to peruse this will not regret it!

Below is a sample picture of a K-1 poster for Standard of Mathematical Practice #1.

Enjoy the day...and this new math resource!


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