Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Greg Tang Math

We are ALL looking for fun and engaging ways to support the CCSS in Math!  Greg Tang Math supports the domain Operation and Algebraic Thinking.  Greg Tang is an author, educator and inventor.  He has published several books with a math theme and has created several interactive math games (online and apps).

I love KAKOOMA...click and give it a try.

Don't forget about all the materials and resources Greg Tang's site has to offer.  Although this site only mentions grades K-5, many of the games and materials available would be well-suited for fluency and maintenance of basic skills needed by ALL learners.



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New Math Modules Released!!

It's what we've all been waiting for...!!  The K-12 Module 1's have been released!

Below you will find links to the latest modules released from the state.  They are available on Engageny.org under the Professional Development & Network Team tab at the top of the Engageny.org page.

You should also notice they are ALL the first modules we will need to start the new school year in September.

I have spent the last two days in Albany training on the use and implementation of the modules.  Our 6-12 people are there today and tomorrow gaining more knowledge on the topic. 

Please know that the writers of the modules were VERY clear that the modules you will find at these links should NOT be copied off for ‘official’ use for the upcoming year, as there is still some slight editing to be done in order for them to be a ‘final’ draft. (It seems most of the editing left to do are minor ‘tweaks’, not major overhauls of what you will see here.)  However, they felt it necessary to release them to us in order to become familiar with the overall structure and individual components to the module lessons. 


Please take special note of the Materials List included.  Most of the materials needed for each module lesson are items most schools have already.  Don't be afraid to ask around your school, especially at different grade levels, in order to find the items you need.  Oftentimes, manipulatives are shelved when concepts are moved from grade level to grade level.

Enjoy the day!
